IGPP Solaris Packages ================ This directory contains the package catalogs and various packages for our in-house Solaris package distribution tools. Using bldcat (included in CSWpkgutilplus), we place a set of packages streamed and gziped into the various release directories, and then run bldcat on it to generate the catalog. There are three releases here, which mimic the OpenCSW release directories: * unstable * testing * stable File Naming ----------- The [bldcat page][bldcat] describes the file naming format. The internal package name should be something like `IGPPmycoolpackage`. However, the filename should look something like `mycoolpackage-1.1,REV=2014.03.13-SunOS5.10-all-IGPP.pkg` ``` {SOFTWARENAME}-{REV.NUM}-`uname -s``uname -r`-{ARCH}-CSW.pkg ncurses-5.3,REV=2002.12.31-SunOS5.8-i386-CSW.pkg ``` The `-` character is an explicit field separator, so it is illegal to use except in the places shown. Please note: the `,REV=YYYY.MM.DD` is now mandatory. It provides a fixed-format way of telling how recent the package really is, for version comparison download purposes. `{ARCH}` is usually the output of `uname -p`. But for certain special packages that run on all solaris hardware, or are otherwise architecture-neutral, it may be preferable to have `ARCH=all` Note that the filename should exactly show the full `VERSION` field, including the `REV` section. The naming of the file does matter! It determines how your package will be cataloged for people using pkgutil to download it. Software names (and thus the first component of the filename) must be all lower case. This is an ease of use issue, so people don't have to think about whether they should use: ``` pkgutil —install imagemagick pkgutil —install Imagemagick pkgutil —install ImageMagick ``` Plus, it makes the directory listing sort properly. [bldcat]: http://pkgutil.wikidot.com/bldcat